Story Bless

Interesting Stories & Entertainment


During lunch at work, I made the unfortunate decision to eat three plates of beans.

During lunch at work, I made the regrettable choice to eat three plates of beans. When I got home, my husband excitedly greeted me with a surprise dinner and blindfolded me. Just as he was about to remove the blindfold, the phone rang, and he left to answer it.

As the beans began to take effect, I felt unbearable pressure. Seizing the moment, I discreetly released a loud fart that smelled terrible.

I quickly fanned the air with my napkin, feeling relieved, but then let out three more, each worse than the last.

When my husband returned and removed the blindfold, I was horrified to see twelve dinner guests around the table, all holding their noses, as they chorused, “Happy Birthday!”


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