Old Couple Spends Last Savings for Grandson’s Education, He Doesn’t Invite Them to His Graduation
An elderly couple, Ellis and Jeff, spent their last savings to ensure their grandson, Hugh, got a good education. However, when his graduation approached, he didn’t invite them. Suspicious, they checked his university’s website and discovered he had been expelled after his first semester.
Determined to uncover the truth, they visited Hugh’s university and learned from his friend, Peter, that Hugh had been living in a small rented house. When they confronted him, Hugh admitted he had dropped out due to absenteeism but kept taking their money out of fear. He had since been working low-wage jobs to support his pregnant girlfriend, Natalie.
Though disappointed, Jeff and Ellis were proud of Hugh for taking responsibility for his child. They invited him and Natalie to live with them to save on rent. Together, they started a small bakery business, repaid their debts, and Hugh resumed his studies, eventually earning a scholarship.